One Seed, One Cent
One Seed, One Cent
One Seed, One Cent… shot. Good luck! (Penny included for luck).
Meticulously designed, each packet is hand-drawn in deep indigo ink on dense watercolor paper and sewn shut with pale blue and green thread. Artwork was created with pen and inks, slowly and with care. Each illustration depicts dense drapery and a highly stylized type-face; look carefully for the hidden mobius strip. One, single, unique, mysterious seed is displayed behind a hand carved, mini-window and lovingly protected with a hidden, cushioned insert. If you must know what kind of seed rests within each packet, plant it and find out. Or frame it and forget it……Live the mystery…
This is art, and this is a must in your seed packet - or drawing collection.
Super limited.
— Suitable for framing.… OR farming! —
— Plant.🪴 Collect. 🎨—